Picture of Painting
west elm Bethesda hosts artist Vian Borchert on November 2nd, 2019 at their Pike and Rose - North Bethesda location.
Date: November 2, 2019
From 10 AM to 5 PM

west elm is located at:

915 Rose Ave.
North Bethesda, MD 20852

Picture of Painting
Vian Borchert has her painting titled "Mystery" at the group exhibition "The Body in Parts" at bG Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.
bG Gallery is located at "Bergamot Station" which is one of LA's primary cultural destination and is internationally renowned as a creative arts complex with unique and unparalleled collection of fine art galleries.
Exhibit Dates: Aug. 22 - Sept. 12, 2019
Opening Reception: Saturday, Sept. 7, 5 PM – 9 PM

Artwork can be viewed and purchased at the gallery
and online at: www.gestaltprojects.com

bG Gallery is located at:

Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave, #A2
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Gallery Hours: Tue - Sat: 11:30 AM - 6 PM
Pichture of Artwork
Blue Mirage
LICHTUNDFIRE’s 'WHERE COLOR LIGHTLY TREADS' group exhibition featuring the latest abstract paintings of artist Vian Borchert
Exhibit Dates: July 5 - July 27, 2019
Artists Reception: Wednesday, July 10, 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Artist Talk: Wednesday, July 17, 6 - 8 PM

See YouTube Video here.

Picture of Flyer
LICHTUNDFIRE is located at:

175 Rivington Street
New York, New York 10002

Gallery Summer Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
And by appointment.
Pichture of painting
Sea Memories
Vian Borchert has a number of her abstracted landscape paintings on exhibit at 'Spectrum Gestalt 6'.
Exhibit Dates: June 15 - July 6, 2019
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 15th from 5 PM - 9 PM
Pride Month Rainbow Flag Talk and reception: Saturday 29th from 4:30 PM - 8 PM
Closing Reception: Saturday July 6th from 5 PM - 8 PM

Borchert is part of the "Gestalt Projects" invitational artists. Her available work can be seen at the Gestalt Projects Collection Page.

Picture of painting
Sea Foam
bG Gallery is located at:

3009 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 AM - 6 PM
Image of Painting
Distant Lands
Vian has 11 of her latest paintings on exhibit at the Spring group exhibition "Transformation" at Kyo Gallery in Old Town, Alexandria.
Exhibit Dates: May 10 - June 30, 2019
Opening Reception: May 10 2019 from 7:00-9:00 PM

Kyo Gallery is located at:

111 S Patrick St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Gallery Hours:
Thursday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 1:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Image of Painting
Global Universe
Vian Borchert is one of the 30 artists selected worldwide to be in the online contemporary art exhibition "Global Mosaic" by Caravan which celebrates the rich diversity of our world.
Borchert's "Acrylic on Canvas" painting is titled "Global Universe".

Exhibit Dates: April 15 - June 15, 2019

For more about the "Global Mosaic" online exhibition see: www.oncaravan.org/global-mosaic

Image of Painting
Harmony in Red
Vian Shamounki Borchert's figurative expressionist's painting depicting a profile of a woman with red tones titled "Harmony in Red" is currently on exhibition at "Zara Gallery" at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Amman, Jordan.
Zara Gallery
Zara Gallery
The Gallery is located at:

Hussein Bin Ali St., Jabal Amman
Amman, Jordan

Image of Artwork
Winter Wonderland
Vian Borchert's painting "Winter Wonderland" is on exhibit at the LA ART Show 2019. Her art is represented by bG Gallery at Booth 701, Los Angeles Convention Center's South Hall.
For more information see "LA Art Show Circular Cluster"

Exhibit Dates: Jan 23 - Jan 27, 2019
Opening Night Premier Party: Jan 23, 2019 at 6 PM

bG Gallery - Booth 701

LA Art Show
Los Angeles Convention Center | South Hall
South Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Th-Sat, 11 AM - 6 PM
Sun, 11 AM - 5 PM
Image of Sunset Painting
Vian Borchert's abstract painting "Sunset" is on display at "KUNSTFEST" at the Van Der Pals Gallery in Manhattan, New York City
Exhibit Dates: Oct. 22 - Nov. 2, 2018
Opening Reception: Wednesday Oct. 24, 6-8 PM

The Van Der Plas Gallery is located at:

156 Orchard St
New York, NY 10002

Gallery Hours: Monday - Sunday, 12PM - 6PM
Image of Fall Landscape
Fall Landscape
Vian Borchert's Fall paintings are on display at the Park View Gallery's exhibition "Autumn Colors".
Exhibit Dates: October 13 - November 10, 2018
Image of Fall Leaves
Fall Leaves
The Park View Gallery is located at:

Second Floor of Arcade Building
Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Blvd.
Glen Echo, MD 20812

Gallery Hours:
Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm
Saturdays & Sundays, 10am to 6pm
Image of artwork
Artwork of Vian Borchert
Vian Borchert's abstract paintings are on display during November 2018 at "Art Gallery Wiesbaden" in Wiesbaden, Germany.
The Gallery is located at:

Häfnergasse 2
65183 Wiesbaden, Germany
    Art Talk Image
Artist Vian Shamounki Borchert presented an art talk titled "A Journey Through The Art" as part of the "International Festival" by FACTORY, a new platform for contemporary art of the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in Amman Jordan.

A video footage of the FACTORY 'In the Margin' documents the festival at Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in June 2018, combining the various fields of contemporary cultural, environmental and social projects and art including dance, music and visual arts, cinema, architecture, design, literature, comics and graffiti among many more. Vian Shamounki Borchert participated in the festival with her art presentation and display of artwork - Vian can be seen in the video giving a slide lecture of her journey and artwork.
See the documentary here.

Date: Saturday, June 30, from 6-7:30pm

Art Collage
A Journey Through Art
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is located at:

Hosni Fareez St.,
Jebel Al Weibdeh,
Amman, Jordan
Picture of Roman Gladiator
Roman Gladiator
Vian Borchert's latest expressionist portraits are on exhibit in L.A. at the "Spectrum Gestalt 5" art exhibition in bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA.
Exhibit Dates: June 16 - July 8, 2018
Closing Reception: Sunday July 8th, 2-4pm

bG Gallery is located at:

3009 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:30AM - 6:00PM
Invitation Flyer
Invitation Flyer
Vian will have some of her latest abstract paintings on exhibit in London, UK at "Elizabeth James Gallery" in a group art exhibition titled "Abstract Expressions".
Exhibit Dates: May 9 - May 21, 2018
Abstract Painting
Purple White
The Elizabeth James Gallery is located at:

10 Portland Road
South Norwood, London SE25 4PF
United Kingdom

Gallery Hours:
Mon-Sat, 11:00AM - 06:00PM
Image of the nosy vase
The Nosy Vase
Vian Borchert will have her surrealist painting 'The Nosy Vase' in the art exhibition titled 'Stranger Than Fiction' at bG Gallery in Santa Monica, California.

See the painting and the story behind at bG Gallery's Private Viewing Room.
Exhibit Dates: April 14 - April 29, 2018

bG Gallery is located at:

3009 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:30AM - 6:00PM
Framer39;s Choice Gallery
Framer's Choice Gallery
Vian Borchert's latest artwork is on display in the solo art exhibition titled 'ABSTRACT IMAGINATIONS' at the Framer's Choice Gallery.
Exhibit Dates: February 1 - March 31, 2018 Extended until April 11, 2018!
Reception: Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 3 - 6 PM

The Framer's Choice Gallery is located at:

402 Main St.
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Gallery Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Abstract Watercolor
Abstract Watercolor
Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture presents "Faculty and Student Exhibition" at the Popcorn Gallery where Vian Borchert has one of her abstract watercolor paintings on display.
Exhibit Dates: February 24 - March 25, 2018
Reception: Sunday, March 4, 2018 from 5-7 PM

The Popcorn Gallery is located at:

Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Blvd.
Glen Echo, MD 20812

Gallery Hours: Thursdays & Fridays, 10 am - 2 pm
Saturdays & Sundays, 11 am - 6 pm
Abstract 6
At: Art Basel Miami Beach 2017
Booth 307 Dec. 6 - 10, 2017
1700 NE 2nd Ave.
Miami, Fl 33132