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Summer Blues
Artist Vian Borchert's latest blue abstract cityscapes that capture the NYC skyline and are on exhibit at Licthundfire gallery in Manhattan, NYC for the June - July 2022, are featured in an review / article by "300 Magazine". The magazine is focused on luxury lifestyle along with writing reviews about the world of art, with attention to environmental programs, sustainability and other important issues.
Vian Borchert offers everyone to look up and focus on the tops of skyscrapers and facades piercing through the poisonous mist. It is where hope lies. Regardless of how stormy the weather is today, people shouldn’t forget about the stars beyond the clouds because our dreams are what make us persevere, keep going, and find what we crave most in this life.
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Dwell Time is an award winning, not-for-profit publication based in the UK, features artist Vian Borchert's painting "Reflecting in the Woods".
Nature is a source of solace for me to meditate upon especially when I want to reflect on life and how our world is shaping. For me, nature brings much needed calm to my soul amid uncertain times.
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PENSIVE - Issue 4
Vian Borchert is honored to have her painting "New Dawn" at the front cover of the literary publication "Pensive" Journal Spring Issue 4. "PENSIVE" a Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts is published by the Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service at Northeastern University, a global research university in Boston, Massachusetts, USA with a campus network stretching from London to Vancouver.
Read more at PENSIVE, April 2022
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Influential People Magazine
Influential People Magazine" covers influential people from around the world such as entrepreneurs, visionaries, business leaders, celebrities and humanitarians and published an interview with Vian Borchert by Jessica Dewey.
I feel that my art presents me as a visual storyteller where people can through viewing my art and its titles enter my own world
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The Berlin based CHROMART magazine for April 2022 Issue features artist Vian Borchert's in a multiple page interview spread.
As an artist, contemplation and observation on the world around me is of utmost importance to my work. The world and the environment move me like no other.
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International artist, Vian Borchert, is featured on the cover of the February 2022 issue of MOEVIR magazine, a fashion and art magazine based in Paris, France. V. Borchert's art is on the front and back cover of the magazine along with a 24 page spread with in-depth interview.
I wanted to do new works that hadn't been explored before, works of art that I personally would like to see when visiting museums. At that time, most of the abstract contemporary artists were making works that fell in the style of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. I didn’t want that for myself, I wanted to create work that is me, that is Vian Borchert, that encompasses my vision, my life and what I see
Read more at MOEVIR Magazine, Feb. 2022 - Get the Magazine at MagCloud - See the feature on YouTube.
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300 Magazine
300 Magazine, a luxury magazine based in NYC features artist Vian Borchert's series "On The Road" which debuted in the "Reshuffle" exhibition at Lichtundfire gallery in Manhattan, NYC. 300Magazine is a publication specializing in fine art, antiquities, international travel, fashion & style, designer jewelry.
The magazine covers modern and contemporary art to the latest luxury trends, providing previews and reviews of exhibitions worldwide along with stories about the world’s most talented artists and celebrities, and all aspects of luxury news that are worth reading about.
Such a fusion requires a fine sense of aesthetics and can be risky if not applied right. Today, you have a chance to look at a new series of cityscape paintings by Vian Borchert. Titled “On the Road,” it presents a selection of fabulous artworks that successfully combine collage and paintings techniques.
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ARTFORUM, Feb. 2022
"ARTFORUM" art magazine features artist Vian Borchert's painting "Above Us Only Sky" that's in the "Reshuffle" exhibition at Lichtundfire gallery, NYC.
Read more at ARTFORUM, Feb. 2022
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Artist Vian Borchert's painting "Red Moon" painting is on the front cover of the literary magazine "Passengers Journal" Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring issue.
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Fine Art Shippers
Fine Art Shippers NYC platform features Borchert's cityscape paintings "On The Road" which debuted at Lichtundfire gallery in NYC.
The exhibition features Borchert’s four unique cityscape paintings, each representing a vision of the talented painter who reflects on her memories of places and things she saw during her journeys.
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Exhibition Opening
"Exhibition Opening" from HappenArt features artist Vian Borchert's cityscape series "On the Road" that was debuted at Lichtundfire gallery's exhibition "Reshufffle".
I wanted the paintings to be entirely made from what consists of what is me, my hands and my vision and not some clippings from a magazine. The camera captures a certain frozen moment in time that is part of our reality while the paintings are a dreamy take of what the subconscious wants to bring to life through colors, brush strokes and lines.
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International Fitness & Fashion Magazine
Vian Borchert is in the February 2022 Print Issue of "International Fitness & Fashion Magazine". This is a 6 pages spread interview from page 34 - 39.
The texture in my paintings is essential. I am a painter, and I am one who believes that the artist's hand at work should be visible in the artwork.
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9 Inspirations
Artist Vian Borchert speaks about what inspires her in her art and life in "9 Inspirations" platform which highlights luminaires and their inspirations.
One of the biggest wonders of nature are the four seasons from Fall to Winter, to Spring into Summer. Living and growing up in climates that are affected by the four seasons where one sees the transition from one season into another is definitely a visual feast to an artist."
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The FLUX Review
The esteemed London magazine "The FLUX Review" highlights art, culture and world exploration. The magazine is available in most "Barnes & Noble" book stores across the United States.
In these paintings, Borchert's aim was to create artworks which evoke the feelings of happiness and rejuvenation achieved through the love of nature and its abundant beauty and endless bounty that it bestows upon humanity.
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SHOUTOUT LA by Voyage LA Magazine published an interview with artist Vian Borchert about her creative path, her art practice and art inspirations.
Art chose me, and in return I have embraced my natural talent and harnessed my skills by furthering my artistic ability through art education and choosing to embark on this artistic path.
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Seattle Refined
"Seattle Refined" interviews artist Vian Borchert about her art creations and art practice and how nature inspires the artist. Seattle Refined lists her as "Artist of the Week".
For me, nature gives us an interactive art show on a daily basis, be it the dynamic sunrise, or the sunset or a rainbow. There is so much to see and appreciate in nature.
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The FLUX Review
The esteemed London magazine "The FLUX Review" features artist Vian Borchert through a Q&A interview. The interview is by editor Lisa Gray. The British magazine highlights art, culture and world exploration.
Narrative is important within my work. To illustrate, I feel that my art presents me as a visual storyteller where people can through viewing the art and its titles enter my own world be it a day by the sea where you can observe the seagulls and the birds flying up high, or feel the waves collide and rush to the shore while a gentle touch of light comes through a misty sunset in the distance.
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Arte Realizzata
Vian Borchert is interviewed in the international publication "Arte Realizzata" by Uzomah Ugwu, a writer and a poet in an article titled "A Graceful Conversation with Vian Borchert". Borchert speaks to Uzomah about her love to nature, her favorite poets and poems along with the artist's artistic process.
I also have found that my appreciation and approach to nature have been rather contagious not only to artists but to viewers and people alike.
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Arts Illustrated
The American publication "Arts Illustrated" interviews artist Vian Borchert about her art practices and advice to budding artists. The interview is conducted by Charles W. Andrews. Arts Illustrated celebrates and highlights multifaceted artists from various art forms such as art, writing, acting and music.
The American publication "Arts Illustrated" interviews artist Vian Borchert about her art practices and advice to budding artists. The interview is conducted by Charles W. Andrews. Arts Illustrated celebrates and highlights multifaceted artists from various art forms such as art, writing, acting and music.
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The Germany based magazine's print issue of GODDESSARTS Magazine features Vian Borchert's art on page 7.
I've observed that my signature abstract expressionist paintings which I've been creating for many years – works that highlight my love for the blues of the ocean and the sky have been inspiring for budding and established artists alike. Hence, art for me is a universal visual language by which all comprehend.
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LandEscape Contemporary Art Review Magazine
London based magazine "LandEscape" Special Anniversary Edition published a 24 page spread interview with Vian Borchert conducted by curator Josh Ryder, and curator Melissa C. Hilborn.
When I create artwork, my focus is on my world, my environment and what surrounds me. In a way, this is the totality of me as a person and what makes me the individual that I am. Yet, beyond this, the soul emerges through art.