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Art Squad Magazine
The LA based "Art Squat Magazine" conducted an interview by Johnny Otto Writer/Director/Producer with artist V. Borchert. "Art Squat Magazine" is dedicated to artists making waves in the artworld from around the globe. The in-depth interview conducted by J. Otto asks the artist numerous questions from her beginnings to her inspiration and future plans.
Putting in the years and creating a huge and strong body of work was the norm to be considered an artist. I was educated under the old school beliefs that "Pain" is essential in creating a "Painting". And, to be honest, this is one of the main reasons why I ended up an artist and I went to art school, to help me navigate my pain into paintings. Art was and still is till today a visual language for me to bring forth what is within me onto the canvas, be it joyful thoughts or melancholic ones. My life's experience is transparent and transmitted onto canvas so to speak, and painting is a vehicle for me for that transportation.
Read the interview at Art Squat Magazine, May 2023